130 Bill Nye - Fighting Climate Denial!

Happy Earth Day 2016! We’re making this Earth month by kicking off a series of interviews around climate change, exploring the sea level rise, effect marine life, and human health. Given the lack of discussion of climate change in the current US Presidential election, it seemed fitting to start with a climate communicator. So why climate communicator in Chief – Bill Nye. We love Bill and what he has done for science education, evolution, planetary science – and so much more. Lately Bill has put his money where his mouth is on climate change – particularly confronting climate change deniers. He made a bet this week with  meteorologist Joe Bastardi  who challenged Bill on the temperature data indicating the earth is warming. Bill put up $10,000 that 2016 would be the Top 10 hottest on record – and at least as of this taping, Joe has yet to take up the bet. It’s a bold play – something we don’t see often in science. Directly calling out the deniers publicly and shaming them. We chat about his strategy around climate communication, climate in context of the election, and spoiler alert – he’s pretty mad about it. As Bill said “Quit Your Bitchin’, Let’s get to work.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4bDk-pPgbs?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=540&h=304]

Bill Nye’s Forecast Challenge to Joe Bastardi

Joe Bastardi’s article in Patriot Post

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXqozz54-iU?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=540&h=304]

Bill Nye and Marc Morano

Michael Mann and white powder intimidation

Our interview with Michael Mann

Yale Climate Communication paper indicating 11% deniers

The Solutions Project - 100% Renewable Energy Plan


Pew Research on Public Policy Priorities 2016

Cuyahoga River Fire

Science in the News

Bees are conscious?


131 Josh Willis - Greenland Is Melting!


129 Greg Marcus - Understanding Heart Disease With Big Data