116 Indre and Kishore’s 2016 Science Predictions

We’re going to start 2016 with a little bit of a different show. We’re going to give you a preview of the science we think will be most prominent, with a look back at some of themes covered in 2015. It’s going to cover a lot of different domains, and don’t expect us to agree on everything. Hopefully, we’ll tease some topics you’ll see covered on Inquiring Minds this year. 

Election 2016

A furthering of the science of polling, microtargeting, and messaging

The emergence of science fact checking of candidates


Are we going to see reusable rockets? Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos will have something to say in 2016.


Will we be able to detect and confirm a nuclear test in North Korea?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daZ7IQFqPyA?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=540&h=304]


More on decision making e.g. Valuing Time or Money?

Will reproducibility continue to be a story? We hope not. 


Will cancer treatments continue to advance through immunotherapy e.g. PD1 inhibitors

The CRISPR Patent Fight and making its way to agriculture.


Will the acceleration of AI continue unabated. We welcome our robot overlords.

How VR will shape the interface of humans and technology. e.g.the psychology of playing in immersive environments.

Climate Change

El Nino’s global impact from the CA drought to coral bleaching.

Will impending famine become reality in locations due to climate change?


117 Douglas Fields - The Science of Rage and Why We Snap


115 Chris Ferguson - Violence in Video Games