360: Unwrapping the Gifts of Good Anxiety with Wendy Suzuki

Anxiety is that feeling of worry that is often initiated by situations of uncertainty. And I don’t know any more uncertain situation than the one that we’ve all been living through collectively together for the last 19, 18 months.

Anxiety has become a staple of modern life, particularly over the past year and a half. It can be debilitating, but it is at its core a necessary component of our lives—if it can be managed. Wendy Suzuki, Professor of Neural Science and Psychology at New York University, is best known for her extensive work studying areas in the brain critical for our ability to form and retain new long-term memories. But on the show this week, she joins us to talk about anxiety and the gifts it offers as outlined in her new book, Good Anxiety: Harnessing the Power of the Most Misunderstood Emotion.


361: Managing Our Criminal Nature with Mary Roach


359: Dastardly Deeds Perpetrated in the Name of Science with Sam Kean