358: Investigating The Memory Thief with Lauren Aguirre

There really are kind of a number of converging lines of evidence that suggests that there’s something about how opioids damage the hippocampus, that could potentially be used as the basis for a new animal model for Alzheimer’s disease.

Of all the side effects of opioid use that exist, one that is only recently starting to get the attention it deserves is that of becoming amnestic. That doesn’t mean that this effect hasn’t been on the radar of some researchers over the years, though. As far back as 2016, Neurology Specialist, Dr. Jed Barash, brought some case studies to Indre’s attention, and today’s guest, Lauren Aguirre, has built upon Jed’s findings to write The Memory Thief and the Secrets Behind How We Remember. An award-winning science journalist who has produced documentaries, short-form video series, podcasts, interactive games, and blogs for the PBS series NOVA, Lauren combines her personal experience with her extensive amount of research to generate both a book and an interview here today that you will not soon forget.


359: Dastardly Deeds Perpetrated in the Name of Science with Sam Kean


357: How to Raise Kids Who Aren’t Assholes with Melinda Wenner Moyer